Question Authority

FLS will create petitions for you if you are already a member.

Write to your Lawmakers about the Law!

Free yourself Lawfully by writing to the U.S. Congress!
You are PROTECTED from imprisonment with our petitions.

Petitioning the U.S. Congress to stop renegade government insiders
from imposing the various federal income taxes.


Read & Mail

By reading and mailing (by certified
mail) these petitions to your three
congress members, you are:

1) Educating Yourself & Your Congressmen

You will learn the laws that impose various federal income taxes on the American people. You are protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that guarantees your right to petition Congress to remove government renegades who are violating federal laws and your rights.

"No Taxation without Representation"

2) Making a Record

When you send these petitions to Congress, keeping your stamped certified mail receipts, you have a record that you sent the petitions. You would be able to show these documents to the jury if the IRS were to challenge you, and you would win the case! This evidence keeps the IRS from even wanting to charge you with the crimes of tax evasion or willful failure to file.

Instructions for Every Petition

After reading the downloaded file thoroughly and making sure you understand it completely, fill in the titles, names and addresses of all three of your members of Congress (the U.S. Representative of your district and the two U.S. Senators for your state, as found on the websites of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate).

Also fill in the date and your own name and address. Print the three originals, sign them on the last page of the letter, then mail by USPS certified mail. Make sure to also keep a copy of the signed letters in your files, along with all attachments and the certified mail receipt stamped by the post office.

What to expect:
Unfortunately, the average American has no power over and little influence on public servants in our government. Not only do your members in Congress make little to no time to read, understand, and respond to your letters, but they are most likely too busy raising re-election campaign funds to take notice of your letters.

Your Congress Members will:

  1. Most often, ignore your letter altogether
  2. Next most often, have their staff send you a "politically correct" form letter, thanking you for your correspondence and for expressing your concerns. However, the letter will not indicate that the staff or Congress member are going to do anything about your concerns, or that they even understood your concerns, or that they even read your petition. This way, the Congress members can ignore you and the points you made in your letter, without appearing to have ignored you outright.
  3. Once in awhile, they might send you an IRS publication (which is not law) or refer you to the IRS in some other way. The IRS does not write laws. The IRS is only authorized to execute laws written by Congress.
  4. Rarely, paraphrase a law incorrectly or out of context without attaching a copy of the law; paraphrase or quote a case opinion from a court below the U.S. Supreme Court (called an “inferior court” in the U.S. Constitution) written by a renegade judge who knowingly and deliberately never took the time to address or refute the issues raised in the case by the American citizen; or cite court case opinions ruling on issues that you never argued in the first place.

Send any responses from your Congress members to Freedom Law School through our Contact Us page so that we can post them here for all to see. Here are two responses received from Congress members that merited a response, and the replies that we wrote:

United States Senator for Iowa

Chuck Grassley

United States Representative from Hawaii

Ed Case

Option A: Join the Restore Freedom Plan

and we send all nine Petitions to Congress by certified mail for you!

Join Restore Freedom Plan

Option B: Do-it-yourself Petitions to Congress

For those without our Restore Freedom Plan

Send your Petitions Now

Option C: Fillable form files you can download

Income Taxes

Follow the instructions above to secure legal evidence that you are following federal laws on individual income taxes correctly.


Follow the instructions above to secure legal evidence that you are following federal laws on employment taxes correctly.

Self-Employment Taxes and 1099's

Follow the instructions above to secure legal evidence that you are following federal laws on self-employment income taxes and information reporting correctly.

Free yourself from Income Tax Withholding, legally and safely:

Employee Withholding Exemption Certificate package and instructions