Free Yourself from Income Tax
Slavery with these 7 Steps

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"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. "
- Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the United States, co-author of the Declaration of Independence.

Follow the Law

Based on the official legal websites of the U.S. Government:
No law requires 99% of Americans to file and pay income taxes.

See the proof in this 9-minute video and start your journey to live free of
IRS deception, robbery, and slavery!

Learn the rest of the story in short form!

Learn the full story by watching these 5 videos!

Why do we only use U.S. Supreme Court decisions and not lower court decisions? According to the Internal Revenue Manual, "A case decided by the US Supreme Court becomes the law of the land and takes precedence over decisions of lower courts. The IRS must follow Supreme Court decisions. Decisions made by lower courts ... are binding on the IRS only for the particular taxpayer and the years litigated."

Importance of Court Decisions

STOP Filing Income Tax Forms

When YOU were deceived by your accountant/attorney to sign the IRS Form 1040 Income Tax "confession trap" form
YOU put the IRS noose around YOUR neck!

When YOU sign and file the 1040 confession trap you state under oath that you owe the IRS money.

    This is how YOU give the IRS Power to:

    Audit YOU

    Empty YOUR

    Bank Account

    Steal YOUR


    Steal YOUR


    Put YOU

    in Prison

    See the proof in this 10-minute video

    Continue Step 2

    Realize the IRS Operates on Deception and Bluff!

    • The IRS is a failed government agency! They are not as powerful as they once seemed.
    • According to government reports, since 2011, there has been a 90% decrease in forced collections (levies).
    • Since 2016, the IRS has deliberately chosen to leave repeat non-filers alone.
    • Why? For every $1 that the IRS spends on filers, the IRS collects over $300, whereas for the same $1 spent on non-filers, the IRS only collects under $3.

    See the proof in this 9-minute video

    Continue Step 3

    Join the Restore Freedom Plan

    For modern-day Founding Fathers of America the privilege of 100% Guarantee is available.

    YOU can enjoy our 100% Guarantee, when YOU legally stop filing and paying income taxes! As long as YOU are a member of the Restore Freedom Plan, Freedom Law School will prevent the IRS from levying YOUR money or Freedom Law School will reimburse YOU! YOU will not go to prison!

    Learn more in this 16-minute video

    Continue Step 6