We will be short-staffed for the Holidays. If you encounter difficulty reaching us by phone, kindly leave a detailed voicemail, and we'll promptly return your call. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at questions@freedomlawschool.org.
We will be short-staffed for the Holidays. If you encounter difficulty reaching us by phone, kindly leave a detailed voicemail, and we'll promptly return your call. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at questions@freedomlawschool.org.
CRITICAL NOTICE: We ONLY guarantee packages sent via Registered Mail through USPS. The type of package or envelope does NOT affect this guarantee. However, if your package is NOT sent using Registered Mail, it will NOT be guaranteed under any circumstances.
October 9th - 10th | Due to inclement weather, we may not be able to answer your calls, please email us at questions@freedomlawschool.org
Learn to live off the land at the Freedom & Prosperity Rally!
April 6, 2024 | St. Cloud, Florida | 9 AM - 5:30 PM EST